Marjorie Breedis
1920 - 2004



Cover of Handy Facts Booklet (big file alert - 286 kb!)

Memorial Website Contact Information

This website was put together by Peter McManus, in loving memory of his mother, Marjorie Breedis.

Feel free to contact him at

About this Website

Note about Tributes:  In adding the written tributes to this website, I did not change any of the writers' words, but I did change punctuation and formatting here and there.  Please let me know where I've made mistakes, and I will fix them.

Note about Photos:  You can click on most of the photos on this website to see a larger version.  I limited the larger versions to 1024 x 700 pixels -- enough to fit on most computer screens (exception:  Handy Facts, above, is 1213 x 1571, 286 kb).  Feel free to contact me to get higher resolution, less compressed versions.

Copyrights:  All contributors retain the copyrights to their work.



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